This suggests that it is safer to clean the build outputs first so you know you are using the run-time version of the current source. 所以安全起见,建议您先将输出结果清空,以保证您在重新构建后所使用的是对应于当前源文件的运行期版本。
If an existing DB2 installation is being used, this version or higher of the Run-Time client must be available. 如果使用的是现有DB2安装,则该版本或更高版本的Run-Timeclient必须可用。
In this article, if I refer to the DB2 Run-Time client, I am referring to the DB28 version of this client code. 在本文中,如果我引用的是DB2Run-Time客户机,那么我指的是客户机代码的DB28版本。